January 15, 2024

To all Range Officers,

Range Officer Incentive Scheme

In order to thank and encourage Range Officers for their efforts and contributions in IPSC competitions, the Hong Kong, China Practical Shooting Association (HKCPSA) is pleased to be introducing a Range Officer Award Scheme. Details are as follows:

(i) The Scheme features a three-tier award system based on points: gold badge (100 points), silver badge (60 points), and bronze badge (30 points).
(ii) Points are calculated based on each period of duty, and each period will be counted as half a day.
(iii) Each duty period for live-fire competitions in Hong Kong will be worth 3 points.
(iv) Each duty period for Action Air competitions in Hong Kong will be worth 2 points.
(v) After achieving the total points required for each tier, badges will be awarded with the approval of the HKCPSA.
(vi) Badge awardees must be HKCPSA members, or be approved by the HKCPSA Council on a case-by-case basis.

2. After receiving the badge, Range Officers must abide by the following rules:

(i) Range Officers may choose to wear the badge when serving as Range Officers during competitions.
(ii) Range Officers should wear only one badge (i.e. the highest-level badge they have received), and wear it on the front left or right side of the belt (see figure). When wearing the badge on the belt, the shirt must be neatly tucked into the trousers.
(iii) It is prohibited to wear the badge while participating as a competitor during competitions.

3. All terms and conditions are subject to the interpretation of the HKCPSA Council.

4. If any violations are discovered, disciplinary action will be taken.

Hong Kong, China Practical Shooting Association

Download – NROI Awards Regulation